Supervisory Board

In compliance with the provisions of art. 6, paragraph 1, lett. b) of Legislative Decree 231/01, the Supervisory Board (SB) of FININC S.p.A. is tasked with supervising the adequacy, effectiveness, functionality and effective implementation of the Company’s “231” organizational model.

The SB consists of two external members, one of whom the Chairman, chosen from among sector experts and professionals, and one internal member, appointed by the Company as Compliance Manager.

Moreover, paragraph 4 of art. 7 of the decree states that effective implementation of the model requires “periodic auditing and amendment if significant infringements of the provisions are found, or in the event of changes to the organization or core business”.

From this it is clear that the SB’s purpose is to ensure correct and effective implementation of the model by auditing the information gathered, and monitoring its effective operation. All members of the SB are qualified with the necessary integrity, professionalism, autonomy and independence to carry out their assigned functions, thereby guaranteeing the necessary continuity of operations.

Members of the supervisory board


Carlo Longari

Camilla Cravetto

Mauro Roveretto