Quality, environment and safety management policy


The obvious, primary and fundamental goal of FININC S.p.A., as a private company operating in the holding services sector, is to maintain and if possible increase its average annual turnover and achieve a plausible margin of profit.

In these times of worldwide economic crisis and fierce competition, this goal can only be achieved through careful and shrewd management of the company’s resources and organisation, constant and meticulous control over production costs and scrupulous compliance with all quality and safety aspects of the “product”, as required by the Holding BoD.

Increasing competitiveness means operating in full compliance with all the laws in effect, providing services of the highest quality level capable of meeting all standards, along with planning and control of all requirements of the Holding BoD and the subsidiaries.

To achieve this requires a concrete corporate strategy aimed at assuring excellence in all services provided by FININC, with constant attention on professionally improving its human resources and hence its production capacity, quality and economic competitiveness, while conducting its business in full respect of the territory and the environment.

FININC S.p.A. also believes that it is fundamentally important to be able to realise its product while adopting procedures and goals that tend toward the continual improvement of both efficiency and safety, both for its own personnel and that of its suppliers, to fully comply with all supply requirements in all product and process-related sectors, and all laws, specifications, orders and protocols.



FININC S.p.A. has opted to pursue these goals by adopting procedures and instruments integrated into a Quality Assurance System in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015; an Environmental Management System in compliance with UNI EN ISO 14001:2015, and a Safety Management System in compliance with UNI ISO 45001:2018. The application of these standards is essential in creating an effective and efficient organizational structure, guaranteeing services capable of meeting all customer expectations, whether explicit or implicit, and giving FININC itself greater awareness of the environmental impact of its activities and the products and services it provides.

Careful management of human resources, through motivational training, instruction and information are fundamental tools for developing the professional capacity of its workforce, a culture of quality and a collaborative environment in all company departments.

The Statutory Employer has the authority and responsibility to suspend any activities or processes liable to jeopardise the health and safety of its employees; the Occupational Health and Safety Officer has the authority and responsibility to conduct audits and checks to verify the implementation and effectiveness of the OHSA system and adopt suitable preventive and protective measures; the OHSO is required to inform the Statutory Employer and WSR as to the status of the OHSAS and measures for assuring compliance therewith.

The Statutory Employer verifies all company activities either on a periodic or continual basis.



The company management undertakes to pursue the established quality, environment and safety goals by adopting the tools provided by the integrated management system .
FININC considers its commitment to safeguarding the health and safety of its employees of fundamental importance, and trusts in the collaboration of all in achieving optimal management of all activities and processes.
The Management of FININC S.p.A. undertakes to pursue its established goals using the instruments provided by the integrated Management System, and in specific terms:

  • To draft the Policy and subject it to periodic review to ascertain its continued adequacy, updating it in accordance with company strategies and objectives;
  • To assure the Policy is disseminated, acknowledged and implemented at all levels;
  • To develop a Management System founded on process and risk-based thinking, integrated into the Organization’s business processes and subject to annual Management Review;
  • To periodically audit the Management System and encourage improvements aimed at increasing the quality of services and Customer satisfaction;
  • To assure compliance with all current Legislation, Standards and Regulations and all other provisions endorsed by the organisation, and wherever said legislation is lacking or absent, to apply its own in-house regulations to safeguard the environment;
  • To continually improve the training program and to render all personnel aware of environment-related problems, and to acquire the resources, both human and instrumental, necessary for the implementation and maintenance of the environment management system;
  • To encourage the adoption of appropriate environmental safeguarding measures by its suppliers;
  • To improve the efficiency of its production processes by minimising, compatibly with corporate requirements, the consumption of material and energy resources, the production of waste and the environmental impact of office activities on ecosystems;
  • To make not only its own personnel, but also its customers and suppliers, fully aware of environment-related problems, disseminating the environmental policy among all stakeholders;
  • To fully integrate environmental matters into the everyday decision-making and management processes;
  • To reduce the number of occupational injuries and illness, by monitoring parameters considered as trend indicators;
  • To systematically assess all health and safety risks in the light of technical progress and commit to eliminating or mitigating risk at source already at the design stage;
  • To schedule preventive actions coherent with production and organisational procedure;
  • To respect ergonomic principles in the design of workstations, in the choice of equipment and in the definition of operating methods, including measures to mitigate monotonous and repetitive work;
  • To give precedence to collective safeguarding measures over individual ones;
  • To limit the number of workers exposed or potentially exposed to risk;
  • To monitor and manage the health of its workforce;
  • To maintain efficient and effective safety measures and to assure the correct and regular maintenance of working areas, equipment, facilities and machinery, with particular regard to safety systems, in accordance with manufacturer recommendations;
  • To maintain all emergency measures for first aid, fire, evacuation and present and imminent danger in an efficient and effective state;
  • To increase employee awareness of occupational health and safety issues through information, instruction and training courses;
  • To involve suppliers in the implementation of all risk prevention and protection measures in the event of works within company business units.

Suitable indicators have been identified for monitoring corporate processes. The indicators are available in an attachment to this policy.
The Management and Compliance System Manager is invested with full authority to assure compliance with all of the above.


The Chief Executive Officer